Tips & Tricks · 5 minutes
We are now living in a cyber world where social media had became an important component of our daily lives. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are extremely crucial. Among the rest, Instagram is an extremely popular online video sharing, photo sharing and social Networking service that allows us to share our lives with friends, family and even complete strangers through the use of images. It’s also a great platform for brands to connect with potential customers and sell their merchandise! Despite how great it is sometimes we loose interest in certain apps or social networking sites and decide to delete them completely. It’s important that before you delete your account permanently that you think it through as once it’s gone it’s gone! You may be 100% adamant about deleting your account but think about the consequences first!
Some of us now feel that we want to share a lot less of our lives online, therefore we might be thinking about deleting or deactivating our social media accounts. It’s completely understandable to have privacy and security concerns as there’s a lot more of our information out there for the whole world to see than we probably realise!
If you are unsure about deleting your account altogether you also have the option of temporarily deactivating it, this is a great option for those of you who just want a short break from social media but you don’t want to loose all of your lovely pictures or your friends/followers. If you decide to deactivate your account don’t worry, you are still able to access it when your ready to do so, all you have to do is log back into your account it’s that easy! I would suggest trying this option first before deleting your account permanently. You can have that much needed break from social media with knowing that once you are ready to dive back in again you can! Whereas deleting it for good is irreversible, everything will be gone permanently!
If you decide that you want to deactivate your account you unfortunately can’t do it through the app, you will have to do it on a web browser on the Instagram website. Here’s how :
1. Once you are on the Instagram website log into your account and click on the person icon in order to go to your profile page.
2. Next, you will need to select “edit profile”, go to the bottom of the page and select “temporarily disable my account”.
3. They will ask you why you are disabling your account so simply select a reason from the drop down menu.
4. You will need to re enter your password and then select “temporarily disable account”.
5. Your account is now deactivated! You can only deactivate your account once a week!
If you make the decision to delete your account permanently then it’s final, you can not restore your account at a later date so think carefully before you press that delete account option! Once you delete your Instagram account all of your data is gone for good, this includes followers, photos and likes. If you decide at a later date that you want another Instagram account you will be unable to use the same user name as before but neither will anyone else! Deleting your account is relatively straight forward, however if you have a Facebook account linked to your Instagram account you will actually have to go through the process of deleting Facebook in order to get rid of your Instagram account. In order to delete your account permanently you will need to complete the following steps.
1. Firstly log in to the account that you wish to delete on the instagram website, not through the application.
2. Next go to instagrams “delete your account” page and select from the drop down menu your reason for leaving Instagram.
3. Now enter your password and then click “permanently delete my account”.
4. You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to delete your account, once you confirm that’s it! Your account is now permanently deleted! There’s no going back!
It’s most definitely important to do whatever you feel is right in order to stay safe online! None of us want to become a victim of cyber criminals! Remember, if your not cautious absolutely anyone who has the skills to do so can hack right into your information and steal all of your your data! They will have access to all of your info including your IP address, your location and all other personal information that’s stored on your device! If you want to keep your Instagram account as it is then simply take the correct precautions to keep yourself protected online!
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Deleting or deactivating your Instagram account is your choice, whatever option suits you best go with it! Both options are relatively straight forward, the only difference being deleting your account permanently means there’s no going back! Whatever you decide to do, do it with turbo VPN installed! We wouldn’t invite complete strangers to watch us enter our card pin into an ATM machine, so why invite hackers to steal our personal info and data?! Never let your guard down online, it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Even if you decide to delete your Instagram account because of privacy concerns, delete it with turbo VPN switched on. Without it you are giving these cyber criminals an open invitation to access and steal your personal info/pictures. Be smart and download Turbo VPN on all your digital devices.
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