9 اگست سے، پاکستان میں ہمارے دوست واٹس ایپ، فیس بک اور ٹویٹر جیسے متعدد سوشل پلیٹ فارمز پر انٹرنیٹ کی بندش کا سامنا کر رہے ہیں۔ رابطے کے مسائل اس وقت پیدا ہوتے رہے جب وہ مواصلات اور پیغام رسانی کے لیے پلیٹ فارم تک رسائی حاصل کر رہے تھے۔ اب تک، انٹرنیٹ کی […]
Since August 9th, our friends in Pakistan have been facing a widespread Internet outage across multiple social platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. Connectivity issues continued to arise when they were accessing the platforms for communication and messaging. By now, this Internet interruption has brought huge inconvenience to the daily lives and business operations of […]
7 Ağustos'ta kullanıcılar Roblox sitesine ve oyunun kendisine erişememe gibi çeşitli zorluklarla karşılaştı. Sosyal medyada platformun yasaklanıp yasaklanmayacağı ve sorunun ne zaman düzeltileceği konusunda sorular gündeme geldi. Böyle bir senaryonun yaşandığı ilk sefer bu değil, bu ayın başlarında Türkiye yetkilisi popüler sosyal medya platformu Instagram'ı da engelledi. Bu engellenen platformlara erişiminizi yeniden sağlamak için muhtemelen […]
On August 7th, users experienced several challenges of not being able to access Roblox the site, and the game itself. Questions were raised on social media about whether the platform would be banned and when the problem would be fixed. This is not the first time such a scenario has happened, earlier this month, the […]
Олимпийские игры — это всемирное зрелище, которое объединяет спортсменов со всего мира для соревнований в различных видах спорта. Для многих Олимпиада — это событие, которое случается раз в жизни и которое они не хотят пропустить. Однако не у всех есть роскошь иметь телевизор или время, чтобы посмотреть игры в прямом эфире. Для большинства из нас, […]
Os Jogos Olímpicos são um espetáculo global que reúne atletas de todo o mundo para competir em diversas modalidades. Para muitos, os Jogos Olímpicos são um evento único que não querem perder. No entanto, nem todos se podem dar ao luxo de ter uma TV ou ter tempo para assistir aos jogos ao vivo. Para […]
Les Jeux olympiques sont un spectacle mondial qui rassemble des athlètes du monde entier pour concourir dans une variété de sports. Pour beaucoup, les Jeux olympiques sont un événement unique qu'ils ne veulent pas manquer. Cependant, tout le monde n'a pas le luxe de posséder une télévision ou le temps de suivre les jeux en […]
Olimpiade adalah tontonan global yang mempertemukan atlet dari seluruh dunia untuk bertanding dalam berbagai cabang olahraga. Bagi banyak orang, Olimpiade adalah acara sekali seumur hidup yang tidak ingin mereka lewatkan. Namun, tidak semua orang memiliki kemewahan memiliki TV atau waktu untuk menonton pertandingan secara langsung. Bagi sebagian besar dari kita yang ingin menonton Olimpiade tetapi […]
Sukan Olimpik ialah tayangan global yang menghimpunkan atlet dari seluruh dunia untuk bersaing dalam pelbagai sukan. Bagi kebanyakan orang, Sukan Olimpik adalah acara sekali dalam seumur hidup yang mereka tidak mahu ketinggalan. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua orang mempunyai peluang untuk mempunyai TV atau masa untuk menonton permainan secara langsung. Bagi kebanyakan kita yang ingin menonton […]
The Olympic Games are a global spectacle that brings together athletes from around the world to compete in a variety of sports. For many, the Olympics are a once-in-a-lifetime event that they don't want to miss. However, not everyone has the luxury of owning a TV or the time to catch the games live. For […]
Недавно пользователи YouTube, особенно те, кто находится в России, столкнулись с некоторыми неприятными вещами. Видео в их приложении или на сайте, похоже, не загружаются или имеют плохое качество. Этот сбой в работе YouTube вызвал широкое обсуждение, и люди задаются вопросом, как это исправить. Здесь мы обсудим несколько распространенных сценариев, когда ваш YouTube может не работать, […]
Recently, YouTube users especially who are in Russia have experienced somewhat frustrating things. The videos on their app or website seem unable to load or are of poor quality. This outage of Youtube has caused a wide discussion and people are wondering how to fix it. Here, we will discuss several common scenarios where your YouTube might […]
Introduction There is nothing more relaxing and exciting than sitting on the couch watching a car race with a nice cold beer in your hand. With your eyes fixed on the screen and your heart pumping when the competitors surpass each other within a blink, the tension, the unknown, and the excitement drop a huge […]
2 Ağustos'ta, Türkiye'nin bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri kurumu BTK, kullanıcıların ünlü sosyal medya platformu Instagram'a erişimini resmi bir duyuru yapmadan aniden engelledi. Platformda kaydırma keyfinizi yeniden kazanmak için VPN kullanmak harika ve kullanışlı bir yoldur. Neden Türkiye'den Instagram'a artık erişemiyorum? Raporlara göre BTK, Cuma günü metaya ait sosyal platform Instagram'ı engelleme kararını duyurdu. Elbette bu, […]
On August 2nd, BTK, the information and communication technologies authority of Turkey, suddenly blocked users from accessing the famous social media Instagram without any official announcement. To regain your scrolling pleasure on the platform, using a VPN is a great and convenient way. Why can't I access Instagram in Turkey anymore? According to the reports, […]
Introduction A Virtual Private Network (VPN) serves as a crucial tool for enhancing your online security and privacy. By encrypting your internet connection, a VPN shields your data from hackers, trackers, and other prying eyes. This encryption also allows you to bypass geographical content restrictions and avoid bandwidth throttling by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The […]