Entertainment · 8 minutes
Are you feeling depressed, apathetic, or caught in a rut? There are 13 inspiring movies on this list to select from when you need a good laugh, a good cry, or an extra boost of motivation.
What is it about a film that makes it inspirational? That is entirely up to the spectator; however, the motivational movies on this list were picked for their ability to appeal to a broad range of viewers, so prepare to be moved and grab some tears.
Available in Amazon Prime Video.
The film A Beautiful Mind chronicles the life of Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash and his battle with schizophrenia. Even after revolutionizing the field of game theory when he was young, Nash falls into a violent world of delusions. But he is saved by his doctors, friends, and family.
This film was nominated for multiple accolades when it was released because of an impressive ensemble and Ron Howard's direction.
Available in Amazon Prime Video.
In Brittany Runs a Marathon, Jillian Bell finally gets the part she’s been waiting for in a heartfelt and entertaining dramedy.
When a doctor’s visit exposes how unwell a hard-partying lady is, she gets a rude awakening. Her ultimate aim is to run the New York City Marathon, so she takes up jogging as a way to shed some pounds in preparation for that endeavour.
Available in Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon Prime Video.
In The Bucket List, two lung cancer patients meet in a hospital after their disease is discovered. They develop a friendship as a result of their treatment regimens. As part of their bucket list, they’ve decided to go on an adventure to accomplish all of the items on their to-do list.
Available in HBO Max, Amazon Instant Video, and Vudu
Even if the film's protagonists aren't as agile as the Olympians at the core of its plot, it nevertheless successfully exploits its patriotic and spiritual themes.
During the early 1920s, two class-conscious and religiously divided young Britons prepared to compete in the Paris Olympics. Dedicated Christian Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson) refuses to train or compete on the Sabbath because he regards running as a form of devotion to God. Despite overcoming anti-Semitism and social prejudice, Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross) neglects his long-time lover Sybil (Alice Krige) to pursue his only goal.
Available on IMDb TV, Vudu, and iTunes.
Food and family are two of the finest themes in feel-good movies, and Chef maintains them in perfect balance. His love for food and family is reignited after being allowed to work on a food truck for the first time. If you're a foodie, you'll find much to savour in this food-focused segment.
Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
Forrest Gump probably is the most inspiring movies of all time. Indeed, there are times when the heart is more important than the mind, as shown by this odd tale of a guy born with limited cerebral abilities. Many real-life events, such as Vietnam and the AIDS pandemic, affect the main character, even if the plot is made up.
Tom Hanks’ portrayal of the endearingly naive Forrest Gump is one of his finest performances in a distinguished career.
Available on Netflix, Vudu, iTunes, and Amazon Prime Video.
Good Will Hunting follows a well-known story path, but it adds enough unexpected twists and terrific performances to keep it fresh and engaging.
However, despite his genius-level IQ, Will Hunting (Matt Damon) decides to work as the MIT janitor. To help him realize his full potential, Professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) assigns him a challenging graduate-level mathematics challenge. A bargain was struck between Professor Lambeau and therapist Sean Maguire after Will was detained for assaulting the police officer.
Available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Vudu, and Start.
When an arrogant TV weather forecaster (Bill Murray) becomes locked in a time loop repeating the same day over and over, it's Groundhog Day. After that, things become much worse. No one else appears to recall anything from the previous day's events, except for him! The initial usage of the time loop is for his benefit, of course. Eventually, he begins to reflect on his own life and priorities.
Available on Amazon Prime Video.
In a joyful, crowd-pleasing way, Hidden Figures highlights underappreciated — and essential — accomplishments from a critical period in American history.
To depict the accurate tale of NASA's exceptional African American female mathematicians, "Hidden Figures" lifts the veil. Even though it wasn't well recognized, they were critical in helping John Glenn become the first American to circle the Earth. In this film, they are lauded for their genius and their rightful position in the annals of time.
Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
Intouchables manages to get by despite its potentially abrasive subject matter by relying on a talented ensemble and some very empathetic directing.
A wealthy quadriplegic (François Cluzet) and his carer (Omar Sy), just freed from jail, form an odd connection.
Available on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
Meryl Streep's compelling portrayal of Julia Child helps make Julie and Julia a light but amusing culinary comedy.
Julie Powell (Amy Adams), a New Yorker who is fed up with her soul-crushing work, sets out on a mission to make every single dish in Julia Childs' classic cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." During Julie's biography, Meryl Streep's portrayal of Julia Child is interwoven with the real story of how she mastered French cuisine.
Available on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
Despite Queen Latifah’s life-affirming enthusiasm permeating the picture, director Wayne Wang cannot reinvigorate this adaptation.
Georgia Byrd’s (Queen Latifah) terminal sickness leads her to reassess her life, which she discovers has been unduly careful. With her life funds now in hand, Georgia sets out for Europe, where she enjoys the high life. Georgia enchants everyone she encounters with her infectious enthusiasm, even the world-renowned Chef Didier (Gérard Depardieu). Sean Matthews is the only person missing from her new life.
Available on Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney +.
With its stunning 3D visuals and emotional resonance, Ang Lee's Life of Pi accomplishes the near-impossible: it's an impressive technical feat that delivers a satisfying emotional experience.
After selling their zoo in India and migrating to Canada, Santosh and Gita Patel board a ship with their sons and a few surviving animals. When a severe storm wrecks the boat, the sole human survivor is Pi (Suraj Sharma), the adolescent son of the Patels. It turns out that Pi is not alone in the lifeboat; a terrifying Bengal tiger has also taken up residence. Pi and the tiger must grow to trust one another as the days pass and the weeks and months go by.
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